Prepping for your session!

Are you ready?! Your portrait session is one week away and it may sound silly, but I cannot wait to meet you! Here are a few tips to help you prepare for your upcoming session:

1. Practice beforehand.

If you're dream is gallop bareback on the beach, that's amazing! My first couple of questions are: Have you galloped your horse bareback before? Has your horse been to the beach before? Does your horse load?

Our goal should always be to set you and your horse up for success. The best way we can do that is by not surprising your horse during your session. I recommend practicing anything you would like to incorporate into your session beforehand. This can be anything from allowing your horse to get used to a big, frilly dress or bringing your horse to a new location at the barn that you typically don't visit, but you'd like to take photos at.

2. Treat yourself!

Portrait sessions are a special occasion! You work so incredibly hard and it's ok to treat yourself! Consider going that extra mile for yourself by scheduling a manicure or a pedicure. Or if you want to go really crazy, maybe go for a massage or schedule a hair and makeup appointment before your session. You want to make sure are feeling relaxed and absolutely amazing for your session!

3. Be early... but not too early.

Each session start time is designed to give you the best light for that gorgeous golden glow! Because of this, it's really important to be on time for your session. If you are running late, that's ok, but just understand that we may start to run out of light.

On the flip side, if you start prepping your horse too early, you may wear out your horse before your session even begins. My biggest recommendation is to lunge or ride your horse the morning of your session day. Give him a bath right after, then let him chill and graze in his stall. You can then be free to take care of yourself and he will only require minimal clean up once we are ready to go. 

4. Preparing your horse.

  • Lunge or Ride your horse the morning of your session.

  • Bathe your horse. (Make sure you allow enough time for drying.)

  • Braid your horse's mane and/or tail. (Optional based on personal preference.)

  • Feed your pony. (Nobody likes a hangry person or a hangry horse.)

  • Clean your bridle and bit. (Saddle and other tack if used during session.)

  • Paint your horse's hooves.

5. Preparing yourself.

  • Pull out your outfit the night before. Make sure it's clean, ironed and ready to go.

  • Go out to lunch with friends.

  • Style your hair.

  • Apply makeup.

My biggest recommendation of all is to just relax and have fun! No one expects you to walk out as America's Next Top Model or your horse to stand like a statue. The odds are that I've already seen it and we can make sure those amazing moments are captured.



What to wear to your session!


Final Tips!